The Evil M&M

It was a cold and dark Halloween night. I was about 13 at the time and was considering this to be the last Halloween I went out trick-or-treating. So far I had gotten a nice haul, carrying sweets from Twizzlers to Milk Duds. We were on our way to my house when I noticed a large house in the distance. It was about 10 years old and looked like someone had thrown toilet paper and eggs all over it. Yet, a light was still on. How could I resist? It was a scary house on Halloween. I had to. I rang the doorbell and a deep noise went throughout the area that scattered the birds. An old lady walked out and I started to say "Trick-or-treat!" when she dropped a full-size bag of M&Ms in my bag and slammed the door shut. Confused, I just decided to walk home. The first thing that got my attention when I dumped my candy all over the table was that full-size bag of M&Ms. I didn't really care where I got it from, as long as I got to eat it. I shredded the bag to pieces and noticed an M&M that was different from the rest.
Instead of the usual "M" that was printed on each candy. this one had eyes and a mouth. The eyes were pitch-black with piercing red pupils. The mouth was in a twisted smile with fangs showing. "The hell with it," I thought. "The old bag probably had it custom-made for Halloween. How rich and bored do you have to be to custom-order M&Ms for Halloween?!" I popped the sweet with the satanic smile into my mouth and swallowed it whole. I felt a burning sensation in my stomach, then passed out.
When I awoke, I found myself in a large hole in the ground. My clothes were torn and bloody. I felt something running from my mouth and weakly lifted two fingers to check what it was. I looked at my hand in horror as I saw a red color on my fingers. Suddenly, a strong force lifted me from my resting place, forced my hands behind my back, and put something cold and hard on my wrists. I turned around to see a police officer in his mid-30s. I assumed that there were handcuffs on me, but I struggled anyway. I broke my bondage with ease, then everything went dark.
Again I awoke from my seemingly quick slumber with a dark face staring at me. When the being came into focus, I realized it was the lady from before. She smiled at me with the same eyes and grin as the M&M which I assumed started this. I was held down again by ropes, but I could not break them.
"You've done well, child of the night," the woman stated. "Killing your family, friends, neighbors, AND officers of the law in one day? Satan would be jealous!" The hag let out a fierce cackle which didn't seem to startle me that much. She walked out of the room and I was left to my own devices. Again I tried to break the ropes, but with no avail. After a grueling 10 minutes of struggle, the old woman came back with a rigid dagger. She gave the M&M smile and eyes again and trudged slowly to me.
"Welcome to Hell, child." she stated. The woman pulled the dagger back, thrust it forward, and I was flung down, down, down, faster than any roller coaster I had ever been on. When the motion finally stopped, I was in a pitch-black area. No light, no sound, just sharp pain on every inch on my body. I tried to tough it out, but a shriek escaped my vocal cords. A bright light soon enveloped me, and I realized it was a computer, just like the ones back home.
"Type." A loud, deep, booming voice echoed around the area. I tried to fight against the urge to type, but my fingers were moving without my control, quickly and accurately typing my story.
"Good." The voice stated again. "Now you are ready, my son, to bring Earth down to the depths of Hell once and for all. You will be the harbinger of doom, death, destruction, pain, and misery. Go!"
When I awoke, I found myself in a bright room. I tried to talk, but it came out as screaming and crying.
"It's a boy!" someone stated. I was then spun around and greeted by a smiling face.
"Hello," she said softly. "Welcome to the world, Donald. You're a Trump now."